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MetroLand - Endless Runner (Unlimited Money, Energy)


Run, dodge and parkour to outrun the evil MegaCorp in this fast-paced challenge

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MetroLand - Endless Runner belongs to the category of Arcade Games for Android and it has been developed by Kiloo. Download the latest version (1.12.0) of the APK mod here in APKem.com which was released on 2024-06-02.

MetroLand - Endless Runner (Unlimited Money, Energy) has been voted 4.5k times with an average score of 4.1 since 2022-10-30. It's Free and the file size is 101.4 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 19 (Android 4.4+).

MetroLand is a top next-gen endless runner:

★ RUN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE: Enjoy the fun no matter where you are, and level up even if you are offline or into no wifi games. The action never stops!

★ EXPLORE THE CITY: Parkour in the streets, dash to the rooftops or dive into the underground tunnels as you help your running man dodge capture.

★ AN ENDLESS JOURNEY: Increase your score run after run, every step counts, even offline! Score enough & gold rush to unlock new gadgets and action packed areas!

★ METROLAND MANIA: Rack up XP points while running each season to earn amazing rewards. Unlock even better rewards and exclusive bonuses by purchasing the Gold Pass.

★ BUILD YOUR BASE: Build rooms and fun robots, send them on missions and grab loot. All of it while you are offline or work on your score!

★ BOOST YOUR GAME: New areas and action packed arcade challenges unlock over time, giving you new playgrounds to jump, dash, dodge and parkour with your band of rebels

  • Package name com.kiloo.metroland
  • Category Arcade
  • Latest Version 1.12.0
  • License Free
  • Date 2024-06-02
  • Available on google play
  • Developer Kiloo
  • Requirements Android 4.4+

Previous Versions
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MetroLand - Endless Runner (Unlimited Money, Energy) medium icon
1.12.0 2022.09.03

MetroLand - Endless Runner (Unlimited Money, Energy)


101.4 MB • Free Download

MetroLand - Endless Runner (Unlimited Money, Energy) medium icon
1.10.0 2022.09.04

MetroLand - Endless Runner (Unlimited Money, Energy)


95.2 MB • Free Download

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